sâmbătă, 8 iulie 2017

Tattletail Theories: Tattletails are Pack Animals - Horror Game Theories

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Do you think Tattletails are Wolves? Many people do! In this Tattletail Theory, we give explanation for why Tattletails form a wolf pack, which helps to understand why Mama attacks us. Don't miss out on this and many other Horror Game Theories - Subscribe today, it's free! *** Let's Start With What We Know *** - Tattletails are loosely based on the hit Furby toy from the 90s. - The Tattletails love to be in the house, but they especially love to be in the basement. - There are 5 Tattletails that play and work together in the game. - Mama goes absoltely crazy when you pick up her babies. - Mama doesn't mind leaving her babies behind to hunt you down. - The tattltails love to play games and leave eggs around with random items like chewed dog food and car keys. *** Are Tattletails a Wolf Pack? *** The Tattletail facts above share many similarities with an actual wolf pack. Wolves have litters of 4-6 pups, love to live in dark underground areas, they're completely at the whim of their mother when they are born, and so much more! What is especially striking is how similar Mama's behaviour is to a mother wolf looking after her pups, and definitely supports the Tattletails being their own little pack. What do you think? Remember to Subscribe and #TapThatBell for more Horror Game Theories and Tips and Tricks. Subscribe ► http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFNAsYiEkgvevo6fbfepOqg?sub_confirmation=1 All Tattletail Videos ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpM8eWCyT1HSi80Cs1c7Cs6Up5ifaxH-m Outlast 2 Explained ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcPTItCKgfY Scary Games ► https://www.youtube.com/user/ProdigiousCharles/videos Twitter ► https://twitter.com/theprodcharles

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