marți, 8 august 2017

Tipard DVD Cloner serial key 2017 Any-Dvd-Cloner secret 20%off.
Tipard DVD Cloner serial key download from here: The first thing to be said about this software is that anyone can use it. All the features are either located on or accessible from the main screen of the interface. Once a DVD is loaded, the software walks you through the copy process. It takes this software between 25 and 45 minutes to complete a full copy. There are three copy modes in this software: Full Copy, Main Movie and Custom. Full Copy duplicates all the features of a DVD and burns it onto a new disc. Main Movie strips away everything except the feature presentation. Custom allows you to select which contents you want to copy. These tools are great for getting the copy you want with little to no hassle. This program is also helpful in archiving your DVD library because it gives you the ability to save a disc's ISO file to your computer. This file is a virtual DVD that works with DVD player software. You can also use this file to burn a new copy of a DVD without the original disc. If you have a large DVD library that you want to back up, this is a very useful tool. Making an exact copy of your DVD is only possible when you use Full Copy mode and use a blank DVD-9. However, if you use a smaller-capacity DVD-5, the software compresses the contents of the disc. This compression causes massive quality loss in the picture of the new disc. Some quality loss is to be expected with any DVD copy software, but Tipard DVD Cloner is particularly bad in this area. When we examined a compressed copy of our test disc, we noted near-constant distortion, pixelation and compression artifact. These imperfections render the new discs unwatchable.

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