luni, 20 martie 2017

Video Email Tracking - A Perfect Follow-up Tool Secret sale page at Glocksoft. How to make easy video -- Video Email Tracking -- How to know your email is seen; and when to call and make the sale How to use Video Email with tracking that lets you know when to call and make more sales. This gives you a competitive advantage -- impressing your clients which will make you more money. Michele Kole making video easy for you How would you like to make money sending video emails for your business? Of course! Let me share something really cool. When you've made a video email and you send it out with a tracking system you immediately are notified in your email that your client or prospect has opened up your video email. Perfect time, don't you think? To give them a call and say hey Joe, I see you just watched my video, lets talk. That would be the perfect time, because of course you know when you've made your video that its in the perfect template just to touch them and go "WOW -- this company, this guy is absolutely amazing or this is a lady that I really want to do business with". All of these things are a huge benefit of sending video email, timing, tracking them...its huge and can make a huge difference in your bottom line. Join us as vblog and you have a great day. Bye.

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